Tips To Choose Between Marble And Vitrified Tiles

Choosing the right flooring for your home could be a tough call for everyone. Should it be marble or vitrified tiles? While marbles traditionally have a classy position in our minds, vitrified tiles have made it into the popular list due to the variety of designs and low cost. Here is a look at the pros and cons of using marble and vitrified tiles for your home: 1. Composition Marble is mostly very soft and not much resistant to abrasion. They don’t highly resist acids and leaves stain marks if not properly taken care of. Marbles require polishing to retain a mirror finish. Its elegant look makes it a premium choice for all home buyers. Whereas, vitrified tiles are made artificially to conveniently fit for the purpose of flooring. They are non-porous and do not absorb liquid and is stain resistant. With the variety in designs, it lets us select according to the style and resources available. 2. Installation While installin...