Indoor plants to de-stress, purify and cast an appeal to your home

Looking forward to add that much required extra charm to your home? Place these few house plants to de-stress, purify the air and moreover cast an appeal to your home!

1. Indian Tulsi
Holy basil or tulsi is always recommended to be grown at homes because of the several benefits it has got to offer. From purifying the air, improving the quality of air to embracing the plant for its numerous medicinal properties, tulsi can be easily maintained at home. It can be kept near windows so that it gets proper sunlight every day.

2. Bamboo plant
Give your home, especially the living space, a touch of tropical feel with bamboo plants. This helps in purifying and improving the quality of air. Easy to store and maintain, it can even be placed in a tray with pebbles and water.

3. Aloe Vera
The “Plant of Immortality”, Aloe Vera is a distinctive-looking plant loaded with vitamins and minerals which are ideal for your skin health. Growing them at home enhances the quality of air and also, helps in home remedies for skin related issues. And, ensure that they are placed somewhere with more sunlight.

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